PLEASE NOTE: The studio is currently closed. We will be posting orders on the 24th of February
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    Please email if your question is not answered here.

    What techniques do you use on the course? We’ll be exploring a technique called freehand machine embroidery. This is where you stretch your fabric over a hoop and use your sewing machine like a pencil to draw. You will need to drop the feed dogs on your machine and use a darning foot.

    What other techniques do you use on the course? We will also be using straightforward sewing to construct your projects

    Is the tutoring live? No. The course is a series of video tutorials, which are sent by email on a set day each week so that all participants are completing them at the same time (videos can be saved and completed at a later date). Poppy will be available live in the Facebook group once a week for a Q&A session.

    Is it suitable for beginners? This is a great club for beginners. You will be given links to the getting started videos so you can practice before you start your projects. My book on the technique may be useful to have alongside the tutorials. It will be easier if you have used your sewing machine before and know how to sew a simple seam.

    Do you do any other courses? From time to time I run embroidery courses in my studio but I have no plans for more at present. This is my only online course.

    I don’t have a sewing machine can I still take part? The projects are designed to be sewn by machine but they could be sewn by hand.

    I can’t drop the feed dogs on my machine? You can purchase a ‘cover plate’ to cover your feed dogs, you can also set your stitch length to zero so that they don’t move. Failing that you can just put some tape over them.

    Materials packs say they are sold out – will you be making any more? I’m afraid once they’re gone they’re gone and we are unable to make more.

    What fabrics do I need to take part? When you sign up for an 'online only' subscription you will be emailed a full materials list and video. You can find a list of recommended suppliers HERE

    I’m not on Facebook can I still take part? All tutorials will be sent by email. However the live Q&A, group support and project sharing will only be available via the Facebook group. Poppy is more than happy to offer support via email for those not on Facebook.

    What age is the club suitable for? I have had participants as young as 11 take part and you’re definitely never too old!

    I’m not able to take part in the live Q&A, will it be available afterwards? Yes the live Q&A will be saved in the Facebook group under the relevant guide.

    Can I take part if I’m outside the UK? Of course! You can add international postage if you purchase materials packs. Please be aware that any timings mentioned will be UK time.

    Can I make the projects to sell? Please remember that Poppy has developed these projects for you to enjoy, so please feel free to make them for yourselves and friends and family but please don't make them to sell. This applies to both private selling and selling for other organisations.

    Can I share the pictures of my makes on the internet? Of course! You should be proud of what you achieve! Please just make sure you credit Poppy Treffry and the embroidery club where appropriate - it would be great if you could use these hashtags:  #makingwithpoppy #embroideryclubwithpoppytreffry

    I want to purchase a subscription for a friend what do I do?

    After you have subscribed please email us at with your order number, the email address you ordered with and your friends email address so we can make sure the right person is on the list.

    If purchasing materials, please enter your friends address as the delivery address. You can enter a gift message at checkout that we will hand write for your friend – make sure you say who it’s from!

    We are not able to send gift messages with subscription only orders but you will get an order confirmation.

    I haven’t received my welcome email? It’s really important you let us know if you don’t receive the welcome email. Please have a search of your junk, spam and promotions folders and be aware that there can sometimes be a delay with emails arriving. If you definitely don’t have it please email and we’ll double check you’re on the list.

    Refund Policy for online only/digital option: Unfortunately we are unable to process refunds for digital downloads once the purchase has been made. This is due to a portion of the course contents automatically being sent upon purchase.